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About Regina

My awareness of homeopathy began at a time when both my dog and I were ill and neither of us was benefiting from mainstream Western medicine!

After an extensive search for an alternative treatment for my dog, I was fortunate to discover a homeopathic vet. He gave my dog a homeopathic remedy that resolved the long-standing issue of nightly incontinence in just a few weeks. Watching my dog’s health improve dramatically influenced my decision to try homeopathy.

As for myself, I was at a time in my life where work and daily activities were being affected dramatically by intense 10-day migraines occurring every 30 days. Prescription drugs did reduce the pain, but at the same time dulled my mind and put my head in a fog, making it difficult to function. I wanted something to prevent the migraines, rather than numb the pain. I turned to homeopathy for a solution.

Regina Edwards, BA, LMT


My homeopathic consultation was unlike any medical appointment. I was asked to describe my migraines, including when they happened, the type of pain, and what I did to get relief. I was asked about my whole body and of any complaints such as allergies, sleep, food preferences, then about my life. The homeopath studied the wealth of information and selected a single homeopathic remedy for me to take.

After a few months of homeopathic treatment, I had no more migraines. I realized my overall health and mental outlook had also improved. It was truly amazing.

A New Career

The changes in my health and my dog’s health impressed me so much, I began in-depth research to learn about this new approach to health and healing. I quickly realized homeopathy was my new career path!

While attending a National Homeopathic Conference in Seattle I met my one of my future teachers, and two months later I was in Florida studying homeopathy.

To complete a Practitioner’s Certification Course took two years of study in Florida with Dr. Durr Elmore, DC, ND, CCH. After another 18 months of studying with Dr. Elmore, I attended yearly week long seminars in Case Analysis and Case Management with Henny Heudens-Mast in both Oregon and Florida for 12 years. When Heudens-Mast offered Advanced Studies in Classical Homeopathy in Belgium, I attended week long seminars twice a year from 2001-2017 to deepen my understanding of the complexity of individual homeopathic remedies. During the course of my career I have attended additional seminars by several other internationally recognized Master Homeopaths to enhance my knowledge of homeopathy and case management.

Dallas Practice

In the summer of 1994, I began my practice in Dallas, Texas as a holistic health consultant specializing in homeopathy. As my practice has grew, I became a licensed Massage Therapist and expanded my training to also include a variety of bodywork techniques so I am able to address a wide array of physical complaints with touch that reduces pain while restoring the body to proper balance. I have clients throughout the Dallas metroplex, as well as across the nation. To this day, homeopathy and gentle touch bodywork are still my forte… and my quest for knowledge continues!

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