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What is Homeopathy?

A natural system of healing that works with your body to relieve symptoms and improve your overall health. It is based on the principle that the mind and body are connected.

When there is an imbalance in our overall well being we are sent a signal that we call a ‘symptom’. When our body cannot return to balance and we ignore a symptom, our body will send other symptoms to bring the imbalance to our attention. When we have enough symptoms we become ill.

Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathic medicine, or ‘remedy’, can help restore balance by helping to reduce symptoms, which in turn brings about health. Remedies are made in FDA approved labs from natural products.

A homeopathic remedy is given in micro doses based on specific types of dilution, whereas prescription drugs are generally only given in strong doses. These micro doses gently help the body move from illness to wellness without side effects.

How are Remedies Chosen?

During a homeopathic consultation, we discuss the main complaint, any physical symptoms, life stresses, and things that make the symptoms better or worse. This information is reviewed and researched to determine which one of the 2,500 homeopathic remedies would be most appropriate.

In classical homeopathy only one homeopathic remedy is given at a time. It is chosen because it has been shown to be effective for a specific group of symptoms. While several people may share physical symptoms, the temperament of the individual and the items that influence their health must be consistent with the focus of the remedy. For example, a person who is chilly will not benefit from the same homeopathic remedy that a person who is very warm would need.

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